Welcome to our Web OPAC
Web OPAC provides the ability to search for items in the collection by means of an easy-to-use basic word search to match what you are looking for. Start by typing in some words in the Basic Search bar:
Basic Searching
Just type in the words for what you are looking for. A 'Keyword' search will cut a broad swath across a lot of item elements in the database. As implied by their labels, Title, Author and Subject searches focus in on those specific elements of items in the collection. You can click on the 'Keyword' drop-down in the basic search bar to perform Author, Title or Subject searches.
These can be viewed either as a list or a grid - you can indicate your preferred view on the Initial Search Results screen. To view more detail about a particular item of interest displayed in the Initial Search Results, either click on its Book Cover image, or click on its title.
Book Bin
The Book Bin is like a shopping cart; items can be added to it by clicking on the Book Bin button on the Item Details screen. A counter to the right of the "Book Bin" label in the Web OPAC title bar reminds you of the number of items in your bin and clicking on the this label displays the items in your bin. You can Email the bin to yourself as a reminder of the items you're interested in. You can also print it and take it with you to the library as a list [printer sold separately]. If you're set up to sign into Web OPAC as a patron, your Book Bin is saved for you until you clear it.
Sign In
When you sign in, you're permitted to see the items you currently have on loan, any fines that have been levied against your account and payments made to clear them. You can also see your circulation history, useful if you're unsure whether you may already have borrowed an item. You're encouraged to sign out when you've finished your Web OPAC session. If your session's been idle for ten minutes, you'll be signed out of your Web OPAC account automatically.
More Information
More details about the use of the various searches is available as online Help on the Search Page itself.
About Us
Serving the information needs of the Tribal Community
Our Contacts
2851 Lower Elwha Rd
Port Angeles, WA, 98363
Located in the Library Building behind the Tribal Center
360-452-8471 ext. 7431